A little update
Ok so.... this past week.... here's the story:
Monday night around 2 well Tues morning... I woke up having pain waves in my lower back every 45 mins or so... well it gradually got worse throughout the morning... by around 10 it was straight through my back and my stomach up through like underneath my lower ribs and the waves were still coming but now the original pain from the first waves were a constant pain then the waves would be like ten times worse and just cinch up my back and then slow back down to the normal pain, except now the waves happen every couple mins instead of ever half hour or so.... so we went to the urgent care and he didn't know what was wrong, so he did the normal pee in the cup, then he sent me to the freakin hospital to do some blood tests and ct scans etc.... I could hardly walk by myself the pain hurt so bad. My mom ended up having to get a wheelchair for me... It sucked... then it took them forever to find a good vein that they could actually find... so now I've got wonderful bruises on the inside of my arms they are so pretty... So the day goes on and the pain just keeps getting worse... the constant pain and the pain waves... To make matters worse the pain keeps rising up my back so now its in all of it and straight through to like behind my chest and sternum. So we haven't heard anything about the results yet so my mom called the doctors office. They found a cyst in my lower right abdomen then kidney stone in my right side. However with it not even trying to exit there's no way it could be causing this kind of pain... So he starts getting scared that it could be PE aka a blood clot, thinking its going into like my lungs or something. so he sends me back to the hospital for another ct scan... yeah don't ever try to have 2 ct scans in one day with the contrast both times. it totally bites!!! So I'm at the hospital half the night waiting for results and such... we get the results and there is not PE and so the story of the pain continues with no clue what is causing it... So the next day I'm sick on top of the pain... I'll just tell you when I'm sick I don't eat or drink very much.... So I ended up getting dehydrated enough that my mom said I was so pale that even my lips were white, then I looked in the mirror and she wasn't lying... So the doc said that if I didn't get over the nausea and push all the fluids then he'd have me be admitted into the hospital and start IV therapy. So starting that night nausea or no nausea I forced myself to start to drink and said whether I loose this or not I don't need anymore bruises on my arms anymore. I started to finally get my color back so they said that I'd be ok with not having to go to the hospital for that. But the pain just wasn't going away. I could take away 2/3's of the pain by taking pain pills... But the problem is that we still couldn't figure out what was wrong and why I was in so much pain... It was hard because the pain would just start to come back every 4 hours as soon as the pain pills would wear off... So by Friday me and my mom were scared. We still didn't know what was going on with me and the doctors had a few ideas but they weren't very logical ideas.... So we decided to go back to the doctors to a lady to get another point of view but my original doc was still there in case she had any questions, he was just full booked up. So she did a few other tests and another cup test. This time they found a small amount of white blood cells in it so they are thinking I had some kind of infection on top of the cyst, the stone, and the pain. So she decided what could it hurt to at least take care of this infection? maybe it'll help the rest go away too, or at least dull it a little bit. So She shot me up in my upper right cheek... which is now still in major pain. my dad hit it earlier lol and I screamed out in pain... I didn't think that the stuff in the shot would still be affecting my butt cheek that bad 24 hours later... lol Anyways I'm starting to feel better when it comes to the nausea and dehydration and everything.... but the pain just won't go away... I'm really worried about what it is... what's causing it... why it's happening... all that jazz... So we told the lady that we were scared that we were just masking the pain or masking whatever it is that's going on, with the pain pills. I flat out told her that I don't want to be hiding something with pain pills for the rest of my life and I don't want to be taking them so much that I get addicted to the stupid things. So she switched my pain pill to I think it's called ult-ram so that it's not addictive. Then she put me on something that's supposed to help with acid reflux or something like it, thinking that that could hopefully help the pain that's in my chest and my back and behind my sternum, Then she put me on an antibiotic that is supposed to help out the shot that I got to get rid of the infection that they finally found. And she also put me on some muscle relaxers that will hopefully help the pain in my back and in my abdomen lighten up a little bit. Since the shot I'm feeling a little bit better. Since I stopped taking the pain killers the pain came back but a lot of the nausea and the dizziness have gone away. I've taken one of the other pills and it's helped the pain go away a little bit. As well as the muscle relaxer and the other pills that I've got... with how many different prescriptions I've gotten in the past week and only one of them (the antibiotic) was actually for something that they knew I needed for a definite, well and the pain pills that I needed for all the pain and the pain waves that I've been going through... I'm hoping that all these stupid things will start to help me by next week because I'd really like to get back to my regular life again... totally drama filled (cuz I'm the drama queen of it and I keep it that way. ;) lol ) I am out of my stupid foot boot now but I'm still not allowed to wear heels for another week and a half or 2 weeks... I'll probably stick closer to the 2 weeks because I'd rather be safe than sorry... which means no dancing in my Latin sandals or my standard pumps... So I have some gore boot type things that I'll be wearing. That is if I can get my back to start moving better and not hurt so freaking bad. At least I've been able to find a little bit of flexibility so that I can turn more to the sides and reach down further. So we'll see what happens and hope for the best. I just decided that I've said so a whole lot in this description of what has happened this week.... One good thing though is that it's sure ending in a pretty good way. It's conference weekend and I'm taking the conference challenge that a friend told me about. And my dad spent the whole week off work taking care of me so that I wasn't by myself. Then today he spent the day doing my hair. :) he's the best dad in the world!! I think we got around 50 in this time.. our all time record was when I was about 15 or so and it was like 85... it took for FOREVER!! LOL but it's the best.. :) I'll put a picture her in below so that you can see what it is. :)
Well there is what happened this week and Hopefully it'll get better here soon. I'd sure like it to. It's pretty late now Liz and the baby just left a little bit ago and mom is getting ready for bed so I'm so going to head to.. maybe mom will let me take some pm pills to help me to sleep better and through the pain a little bit... maybe.. Last time I tried to take some pm pills I ended up in a whole bunch of pain for a week lol.. ;) But that was from another reason lol so I don't think I'd have to worry bout that to much. So anyways... talk to ya lata!
1 comment:
Hon, you just have no luck! Have you seen a Chiro or a Massage Therapist to see if maybe it was a nerve pinched in your back that they can help with an adjustment? What all is the pain besides the waves? When did it start? Where did it start? Did it just hit or was it coming on gradually? I am too curious!
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