
Ok so here is the Good story about my meeting.

Ok so the last thing that you heard about the whole bishop thing was how I really didn't like how he didn't listen to me.... WELL I made sure he listened this time. Before I went I know that I talk to my mom about everything... but there were a few things that I've never told her yet.. So I had a few different talks with my mom to make sure I had told her everything... Not only is it nice to have her as a best friend to be able to talk to about anything but also that she is my mom as well she can actually help me through things and give me good advice.... So I went to see the bishop on a day when I was very sick and was actually in the hospital 2 different times.... And it was really hard because he wasn't there and he ended up being like almost 10-15 mins late. So I was getting in m car getting ready to leave and then he finally pulled up.... So we go inside and all of the chairs that are usually in the hall as 'waiting chairs' were actually in his office... So he is struggling trying to get one for my mom to sit on... And I just sorta asked him what he was doing and then he looked at my mom and said did you want a chair or were you going to go sit on the couch... or what... So then my mom looked at me and asked "um... I think I might be coming in...?" So I looked at him and I basically said... If she can't come in with me then I'm not going to come in. I have nothing to hide from my mom she knows why I'm here. So he let her come in with me... And then of course you plan on how and when you are going to say everything but then you end up talking about a couple different things you didn't think you would... and you start of completely different because then you think that you forgot how you wanted to start.... That's what I did... But I basically gave him my recommend he gave me a few months ago and said. I shouldn't have this. you should have never given it to me in the first place because you didn't really listen. I need you to listen this time. And he said he would.. So I just ended up starting off from when I was abused when I was little... and then just told him about everything from then until now... Because he actually listened this time, and he even took notes lol. And names and everything so he knew everything and could help me the proper way... He is actually being really great now, and now I feel more like my opinion of him as a bishop is a lot higher and I have a lot more respect for him... These are some of the really great things that came out of this whole thing...
  • He is paying for some counseling for me... In full. He said that he is going to take care of it and I am not to pay anything for it.
  • He gave me some assignments to do
  • He is meeting with me every couple weeks to check in and see if there is anything I need or anyway that he can help me more...
  • I am going to be able to get my recommend back within the next like 6 months... And this time I'll actually know that I deserve it and be able to use it. :) And I'm going to be using it like every chance I can get!!! My goal is to go at least once a week
So not only those good things but I've received other blessings from this whole thing. And I have another goal thing... Me and mom made a pack that we are going to read the whole Book of Mormon in like 80 days.. We are a little bit behind right now because of everything that's been going on and all of the make up work that I'm having to do for missing like a week or so of school and work... But it's good. :) I'm planning on not only getting caught up with my homework but also my reading this weekend. Lots of driving time on Friday that I'm going to do some reading on... Because me and mom have a wedding to go to in southern Utah... So she'll probably be doing all the driving so I'll be working on homework and reading and then same goes for Saturday and Sunday. I also would like to start getting my place ready and cleaned up so that on my next break off of school which is probably thanksgiving I can get the walls painted black so I can get all my decorating done like I'd really to... that is a big goal that I have. I have promised myself that if I can have the funding for it, then it's going to be done by the end of this year at the latest. It's going to be freaking AWESOME!!!! I'll take like the before pictures of it all like pink and shell... and like 'big girl' room as I called it when I was younger.. and now I feel to pinked and stuff out lol... And then I'll take the after pictures of the black walls and wicked awesome decorating that I'm doing on those walls. :D I'm so excited!!! Ok well I've gotta get off of here and work on my homework. I have to have it done... So I love you all I'll try to post again soon. And I know... I still need to put up lots of pictures of my snuggle bug!!! I love him SO SO SO much!!!! And of course the pics I have of him and me together will also be put up. :) So for now until next time. Keep your smiles on your faces and you'll hear from me again soon. ~Kim
Your body is a Temple, Not a visitors center. And NO ONE has a recommend to it.

1 comment:

Coversby2 said...

I am so glad that things are starting to work out for the best honey! You only deserve the best this life has to offer. Thankfully they are working with you now, right?