
Quick update for ya'll!!

Everything is going really well. I'm really enjoying being on tour team. So stoked to go to world champs next year and compete!! Then tour Europe!! I wish I could tour even more than I'll get to.. oh well maybe one day.... There is also a possibility of us going to china but we'll see...... School is semi going ok... I'm already a little bit behind in a couple classes but that is because I spent all of last weekend at the hospital instead of doing my homework... My nephew was born On Friday September 5, 2008. 6 lbs 3 Oz's. 17 1/2 inches tall... He is so freaking cute and adorable!!! He had some complications but is doing Wonderful now... he weighs about 5 1/2 lbs now... There is absolutely Nothing to him but skin and A WHOLE TON of extra skin lol. It is so cute though!!! I'll make a photo album with photobucket.com as soon as I can... I'm not sure when I'll be able to yet... Plus I want A BILLION pictures on there of him so yeah... you'll see him soon enough. His name is Damian Johnathon Crawley... He looks just like his daddy with some traits from his mommy that do stick out as well. He is the most precious thing I know. I love him so much and I'm totally going to spoil him.... Not to mention I'm totally going to be the freakin awesome aunt that travels the world and brings back all these cool foreign toys and all sorts of weird things for him to have. He's absolutely amazing in every way. So I've decided that this is the year that I spoil myself and Especially spoil Damian!!! I got a new laptop, a new ipod touch, a new car, a new this and a new that, oh and I'm remodeling my room like I've always wanted too... like totally painting and revamping the arrangement and EVERYTHING!!! it's going to pretty much be the bomb!! That's what I'll be doing for Christmas this year lol.. :) I'm so EXCITED!!! It's pretty much going to just look hot!! Anyways... my ipod is done restoring so I need to head back down to my office in the basement that has absolutely no wireless connection until I buy my own airport, so that I can have it.. So yeah got to go get back to my work and my assignments.... but know that I love you all!!! And I hope you are all doing wonderful!! Give me updates on yourself too!! or send me the emails when you post something new on your blog ok? Ok well Loves!!! Peace, Kim

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